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CPC Corporation’s website, like most websites, uses small text files called cookies. This note provides information on what cookies are, which cookies CPC Corporation uses, and how they can be controlled.

If you wish to restrict or block cookies you can set your internet browser to do so- click on the following link for further information:

1.What are cookies

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is stored on your device when you visit a website and contains information that is transferred to your computer. This information is sent back to the website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie.

2.How does we use them

CPC Corporation uses cookies for the following purposes:
To remember visitors font size preferences ;
To collect information about which pages were visited and the duration of the visit.

3.Consent to cookies

In some countries, the law requires your permission to place cookies on your computer. As a visitor in one of those countries, you may consent to our placing of cookies on your device, in one of two ways (depending on the website visited); either you select the box to “accept cookies from this website” which will appear in a cookie banner. Or, you continue browsing the site after receipt of a cookie banner informing you that by continuing to browse the website you consent to our placing of cookies on your device. In both cases, you can change your mind at any time by opting-out (see below for more information).

4. How to control cookies

If you do not wish to receive cookies you can set your web browser to restrict or block them. All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings, typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following link may be helpful:

If you disable cookies you will not be able to use all the interactive features of our website.

5. Which cookies does CPC Corporation use?

A full list of all the cookies we use is in the table below.

Cookies used on this website

    Expiry Length
Identify User Connections.
2 hours
Keeps track of site usage and anonymous user information.
13 months
Used to throttle request rate.
10 minutes
Stores a unique value for each page visited.
1 days
Record of the font size chosen by user.