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  • CPC LUBRICANTS have been in the market for more than 60 years. In order to meet various needs, the Guoguang industrial brand market has diversified product lines, including oil products for oil, oil for oil products, marine oil, lubricating oil, etc. Oil and other general API, manufacturing AI, ER CHRYSLER VO and other well-known automobile manufacturers have obtained the original VOL and other well-known brands, and have been informed and certified by Taiwan manufacturers and equipment factories, and have a good reputation and engine and other fields and performance. To mainland and Southeast Asia.

  • [Minage] is a high-quality professional brand launched by the business unit for the vehicle warranty market. It represents the brand personality with a clear core value of "youth and vitality" and the spirit of young people who dare to show off. Its lively and eye-catching image has been successfully obtained. Favored by young consumer groups, it has achieved unprecedented sales results in just a few years. Selecting the automobile and locomotive maintenance centers ...

CNPC has been established for more than 70 years, and has fully achieved the task of stabilizing the supply of oil products, driving the development of petrochemical-related industries, promoting green energy, and making Taiwan's economy grow rapidly and people's livelihood prosperous, which is deeply recognized by all sectors of society.

CPC has been established for more than 70 years, and has fully achieved the task of stabilizing the supply of oil products, driving the development of petrochemical-related industries, promoting green energy, and making Taiwan's economy grow rapidly and people's livelihood prosperous, which is deeply recognized by all sectors of society.