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CPC Marilube Oil DPO30
CPC Marilube Oil DPO30 Show QR-Code(Image)
Product Description
  • Number:114LB54230
  • Package:
*This packaging unit of product is not currently available for online sales. For sales channels, please refer to the distributor's geographic map.
  •  CPC Marilube Oil DPO30、DPO40 are highly refined marine engine lubricants designed for lubricating crankcase and cylinders of diesel fueling two-and four-cycle main or auxiliary engines.

    The oils are alkalinic detergent-type lubricants. Their TBN are 12 mg KOH/g around to make them capable of neutralizing acid products derived from combustion. They can not only keep cylindersand pistons clean but also diffuse unburned carbons to smallest ones caused bearings on harm. That's why they dubbed DPO (Dual Purpose Oil).

    The oils can provide not only the crosshead-piston diesel engines possessing diaphragms with excellent lubricatingeffects but also the trunk-type engine with good performance. After being tested for long period of time, they still can provide: relative alkalinity and viscosity, neutralization ability, good filtration ability, oxidation inhibition, anti-foaming and detergent ability, etc.