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CPC Marilube Oil SL-40
CPC Marilube Oil SL-40 Show QR-Code(Image)
Product Description
  • Number:114LB54304
  • Package:
*This packaging unit of product is not currently available for online sales. For sales channels, please refer to the distributor's geographic map.
  •  CPC Marilube Oil SL-30, SL-40 are high quality internal combustion engine lubricants specially designed for the lubrication of medium speed trunk-type diesel engines that run on heavy oils or high sulfur residual fuels.

    The oils contain the excellent properties of detergent and dispersant which can assure engine cylinders and pistons clean and lighter carbon deposits.

    The oils possess the excellent performances of high-temperature thermal oxidation stability, anti-wear, and anti-rust which can effectively lubricate the cylinders.

    Their high TBN, around 40 mg KOH/g, can efficiently neutralize acid sulfides which come from burningheavy oils or fuels, and thereby reduce the corrosive wear of the cylinder inner wall and the bearings.