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American Petroleum Institute(API) International Standards Report

Global Standards

Standards and technical regulations are essential drivers of economic growth, global trade and technology development that enhance environmental, health, safety, and sustainability performance. API is a global leader in convening subject matter experts across segments to establish, maintain, and distribute consensus standards. API standards are developed under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited process, ensuring that they are recognized not only for their technical rigor but also their third-party accreditation.

API standards have been referenced more than 780 times in international laws, regulations, national standards, technical guidance and operational manual by state, federal, and increasingly international regulators. This use demonstrates the extent regulators and companies rely on API standards to enhance environmental, health, safety and worker performance. As the global marketplace for natural gas and oil products and services continues to grow, there are opportunities for the industry to collaborate with global companies, standards development organizations, and government agencies to further harmonization in the use of standards, technical cooperation and adoption of API standards and industry best practices.

More information on international standards usage can be found in the API International Standards Report.