CPC Synthetic Coolant is an oil-rejecting synthetic coolant formulated for cutting metals and alloys, including cast iron, steels, stainless, and nonferrous materials.
The synthetic coolant contains no DEA, sodium nitride, chlorinated, sulfurized, or phosphorous-containing additives.
The coolant is fortified against microorganism attack through the incorporation of a bactericide/fungicide package.
The coolant possesses excellent corrosion inhibition, water hardness stability, and excellent defoaming properties.
Some suggestions of dilution ratio of CPC Synthetic Coolant are:
Surface Grinding25:1
Cylindrical Grinding25:1
CNC Machining25:1 ~ 14:1
5% dilution or less of this coolant is not expected to cause eyes or skin irritation. For working safety, always wear rubber gloves and safety goggles during operating.